A couple of Hummingbirds left here the day after I had made my statement to you all that I thought that the Hummingbirds had already gone! Wrong again, John! They appeared as large as life the very next day, just to make me look foolish ( easily done),—which they did, but only for then, because I haven’t seen them since! My other prediction, about hearing the Canada Geese transiting through, came through a few days later and I have seen a couple of good sized skeins of them passing by overhead, chattering to each other as they passed. No doubt in the next couple of weeks, we shall see a lot more of them if the weather continues to get colder. The trees will also rapidly change their colours too as fall once more takes its hold as a prelude to the upcoming winter months.

Continuing this article on a cooler but sunny day, my faithful flock of Rock Pigeons, about 15-20 of them, are patiently lined up along our Hydro line waiting for “Farmer John”, as my wife calls me on the occasions that they do it, to come and restock my (their) feeders! They then gracefully descend to spend their next few minutes vying for the best spots to feed, sometimes partaking of a drink from the bird bath. Many regard these birds as a nuisance, particularly farmers, but I find them to be very reassuring. on a daily basis, that life still goes on regardless of the time of the year or what the weather is doing. I hope that you too find some comfort and solace on the occasions that you get to watch the birds and enjoy their presence, and that you find it a calming influence in the daily “rat race” that we have created for ourselves but that doesn’t have the same effect on them! Whilst you are enjoying these special moments, remember to stay safe and well.


John Baldwin



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