Merrickville-Wolford council discusses draft budget

Merrickville-Wolford council met via teleconference last week to discuss the 2021 budget. The original draft budget, which was presented to council earlier this month, had...

Mayor Struthers calls for community to remain diligent

Mayor Doug Struthers is appealing to visitors to the Village of Merrickville-Wolford, asking them to remember to practice physical distancing and not to gather...
The NG Times Newspaper

Merrickville-Wolford prepares for national Communities in Bloom competition

A committee of 12 in Merrickville-Wolford has taken on the task of getting the Municipality ready to compete in the national Communities in Bloom...

Council moves ahead with Merrickville Grove Subdivision

The draft plan of subdivision for the proposed Merrickville Grove development was presented to council last week, causing a lot of discussion around the...
The NG Times Newspaper

Paramedic Ride stops in Merrickville

by Chuck MacInnis Merrickville residents once again hosted paramedics from all across Ontario as they bicycled into the village for a much needed rest and...

Council addresses future of committees

The re-organization of committees of council were a topic of discussion at the last council meeting on February 25. Before the municipal election, the...
The NG Times Newspaper

Run Merrickville Cheque Presentation

Submitted by Chuck MacInnis Development of a Story Trail, designed for younger children, took a giant leap ahead this week when the Merrickville District Trails...

Recycling issues at the Merrickville-Wolford landfill

It appears that Merrickville-Wolford residents have been taking their recycling practices to heart over the past few months, causing a backlog at the municipal...

A piece of history for sale in Eastons Corners

A few properties have come up for tax sale in Merrickville-Wolford, one of which holds a building that is part of the rich carriage-making...

Council approves 10% increase for water rates

Merrickville-Wolford council passed a resolution at the last council meeting to adopt the water and wastewater rates for 2019. As expected, the rates have...