Bishop’s Mills WI support KDH Foundation and local Repair Café


by Jeanne Lambert

Bishop’s Mills Women Involved (BMWI) member, Tricia Habberjam, has been working on hosting a Repair Café to be held at the NG Public Library on February 24. The goal of this initiative is to help reduce garbage going to landfills by repairing items, and sometimes teaching people how to do simple repairs. To volunteer, or for more information, contact Tricia at, or call 613 258 3683.

BMWI has held a charity auction each December for decades, but not since the pandemic lockdowns. As an alternative, the group decided, once again, to host a non-auction and ask members to bring a financial donation that would have been comparable to the items they would have donated for the auction and the food, as well as what they might have spent bidding on items. Funds raised were donated to KDH Foundation for the CT Scanner for Kemptville District Hospital.

Prompted by the Quilters Guild and the NG Historical Society Quilt Documentation initiative last summer, local members are documenting all of their quilts. This was done once before, in the late 1990s, but many quilts have been made or acquired since then, so photos and details of each will be added to the Tweedsmuir collection.

These Bishop’s Mills Women, along with their neighbours and friends, continue to work together and make a positive difference in the community. Plans for the next meeting in March are in the works. For information about attending local meetings, please contact Jeanne Lambert at

The Bishop’s Mills Women Involved group has been around since 1985, sharing stories and building community. The Bishop’s Mills WI holds monthly meetings and welcomes new members interested in meeting their neighbours and getting involved in their community.

If you are interested in finding out more about the larger scope of WI, see the provincial organization’s website:


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