submitted by NGAG

Have you recently found a small work of art on your daily travels? Did you pick it up, study it and put it back where it was? Or did you spot it, fall in love with it and take it home?

The NGAG has brought the fastest growing International Art Movement to North Grenville – Abandoned Art! Artists all over the world are creating small art treasures to share with their communities. These works are left in unexpected locations for locals (or visitors) to happen upon. In this way, they bring the pleasure of art into the everyday world for anyone to enjoy. They are yours to keep or leave for the next unsuspecting art lover to discover.

A small card is left with each piece to show where they have come from. If you choose to and are able, the artists would love to see the results of their actions. They ask that the finder take a picture of their discovery and post it to their Facebook page or share on Instagram.

The Guild hopes that you all enjoy keeping an eye peeled for these small, abandoned treasures. Be sure to visit the North Grenville Arts Guild at the Wonderfall! Art Show again this year. It takes place at the W.B. George Building on Campus in tandem with Our Local Markets Christmas Show, November 18th and 19th. 

True art is never lost, it is just waiting to be discovered.


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