Merrickville-Woldford Shop Local Campaign

Whatever you are shopping for, it is all here!

Shop local. It is a mantra that has been adopted by many communities to reduce the environmental impact of travel, and to support friends and neighbours who work and own businesses locally.

But for the citizens of Merrickville-Wolford, a prevailing myth has stood in the way of regional spending. Too many items, from weekly staples like groceries, to seasonal commodities such as clothing, were thought to be unavailable in the village.

Now, though, the truth about Merrickville-Wolford’s shopping scene is getting out. As the slogan of a new campaign to encourage townspeople to buy in their own backyard announces, “It’s all here!”

“Selection was thought to be limited, and priced for tourists,” admits Yves Grandmaitre, board member of the Merrickville-Wolford and District Chamber of Commerce. “But Merrickville-Wolford has something for every resident, starting with all of the basic services.”

And not just go-tos like grocery stores, garages, and drug stores; but also services such as banking, insurance, and health (you and your pet!), as well as indulgent offerings like a wine and whisky bar, gelato, vintage vinyl, and hand-made fishing lures.

For residents who are not yet in the know, Merrickville-Wolford is teeming with a range of retail options inhabitants used to go to other places to pick up. Now, more and more locals are happily saving time and gas by frequenting the town’s varied businesses, from Food Mart and Healthily Ever After, to Chaiya Home and Garden Decor and The Village Bean Coffee House.

“Supporting local stores helps the residents by keeping services in the community,” Yves Grandmaitre reminds people. In addition, these stores pay commercial taxes, which sustain the municipal infrastructure, something especially important to an area in an impressive state of growth.

While Merrickville-Wolford will always proudly be an arts and crafts community, a diverse new demographic, in search of an oasis from city living, continues to revitalize the population. In addition, a handful of new housing developments are bringing more residents, while many older homes are being bought and restored.

Merrickville-Wolford has long been “the place to be.” Now, it is also the place to shop.



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