Letter to the Editor – Salvation Army


Dear Editor,

In response to the Times article regarding a letter from unnamed individuals regarding their experience of volunteering with the local Salvation Army, we would like to share our experience with the organization.

In the 8 years we have volunteered with the Kemptville Salvation Army, with the current pastors and permanent personnel, it has been outstanding. We have always been treated with respect and encouraged to work safely, by offering both in person and online training site.

From our experience, the clergy have tried so hard to improve things, working conditions, areas of work and services provided, and rewarding volunteers for their effort. With the COVID pandemic, it has been increasingly difficult but they have risen to the challenge.

The current Thrift Store is such an improvement from where it began at the church, then the move to Asa St., and now to the old Giant Tiger site.

The current Thrift Store has received so many compliments; the professional set up and decor. It was truly a remarkable transition, all thanks to the current pastors, managers and hard working volunteers. For those who have felt slighted or not valued during all the major changes, location, procedure, process and COVID requirements, we understand that change is difficult. We encourage you to come forward and discuss your issues in person rather than an unsigned letter to the editor.

Nothing is ever perfect but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive for better. That is exactly what the Salvation Army is trying to do and all of it accomplished by a tremendous amount of hard work by the Pastors, their staff, all the dedicated volunteers.

Janet and Marc Cote


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