BIA lights inaugural community Christmas tree


The Old Town Kemptville BIA held a virtual tree lighting ceremony on Saturday night in Rotary Park to officially celebrate the start of the Christmas season. Streamed on Facebook Live, the tree lighting was an exciting event, with members of council, the BIA, and representatives from the Rotary Club of Kemptville there to celebrate the occasion. The tree and lights were generously donated by the Rotary Club of Kemptville, a perfect partnership as their President, Nancy Miller-McKenzie, owns a tree farm near Burritts Rapids.

To make the event that much more special, the BIA invited several special guests. The North Grenville Public Library’s Library Sue, performed an awesome reading of T’was the Night Before Christmas and, just as she was finishing the story, a man with a white beard and wearing a red suit appeared, coming up from Salamander’s patio. That’s right, Santa Claus took the time out of his busy schedule to come down from the North Pole to celebrate North Grenville’s first community tree. “The workshop is running full tilt, all the time,” he said chuckling. “I hardly have time for dinner; but I do OK.”

Santa had the honour of putting the star on the top of the tree, with a little help from a scissor lift provided by First Stop Rentals. Then the tree was officially lit by Mayor Peckford, BIA Chair Debbie Wilson, Santa, and Nancy Miller-McKenzie.

“It’s been a pretty dark year, in many respects, and we’re all looking for silver linings,” Mayor Peckford said. “The light on this tree, I think, will emanate hope, will take us into the new year, where I think there are good things to come.”

To help make it an official community Christmas tree, the BIA is encouraging all North Grenville residents to come and help decorate it with their own ornament. The tree already has a few sparse ornaments; but the hope is that, from now until Christmas day, the tree will be filled with decorations that represent the North Grenville Community.

To make this project even more interactive, the North Grenville Public Library is offering make-your-own tree ornament kits for kids of all ages. Pick up your kit from the library on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, between 10am and 7pm, or Saturday, between 10am and 2pm. Help make this Christmas truly special in downtown Kemptville!



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