Kemptville Branch of Victoria’s Quilts Canada receives funding from 100 Women Who Care North Grenville


Submitted by Colette Stanisci,
President Victoria’s Quilts Canada, Kemptville Branch

On February 7, 2019 the President of the Kemptville Branch of Victoria’s Quilts Canada (VQC), Colette Stanisci, gave a presentation to the North Grenville 100 Women Who Care. After her five-minute presentation about her group, and two other presentations, the ladies voted to award their funding for that session to Victoria’s Quilts Canada, Kemptville Branch in the amount of $4,500 and the cheque was presented at the May 9 meeting.

This funding will go a long way in helping Victoria’s Quilts purchase supplies to make their quilts, which are donated to anyone at any stage of diagnosis or treatment of cancer. This worthwhile organization has been operating in the Kemptville area since 2002 and has almost 70 dedicated members. They meet once a month, except July and August, at St. John’s United Church Hall where they work on the quilts.

We thank 100 Women Who Care North Grenville for their support. It is through such donations and fund raising that we can continue to bring comfort to those with cancer.

If you know of anyone with cancer and wish to request a quilt for them, you may contact your local branch at or on the national website at and click on the REQUEST A QUILT link on the left side. Or you may call 613-258-3996. All requests are confidential and there is no cost to the recipient of the quilt or the person requesting it.


  1. I just wanted to let you know Maria basse has received her quilt.She called me , she said she cried all day because of my thoughtfulness and the beautiful quilts.
    Thank you for making a change in someones life!


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