The North Grenville times will soon be celebrating its 10 year anniversary. Wednesday, September 28, marked World News Day, a global campaign to amplify the power and impact of fact-based journalism. We reached out to many of our loyal advertisers and the community at large and asked them to submit photos of themselves reading our paper. All Candidates for our upcoming election were also contacted and given this opportunity to show their support. We tried to reach out to as many in the community as possible. Our space was limited, and we thank all those who submitted their photos in support of the work we do here at the NGTimes. For those of you we may have missed, please feel free to submit your photo and we will publish them in the following weeks.



  1. Odd you only have photos of eight of the nine candidates represented on-line or in your print copy. You do have both mayoral candidates though.

  2. Congratulations to the North Grenville Times. Ten years of great reporting and community focused articles. The quality of articles are such that it is my first read when it is delivered! Keep up the good work!


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