It’s heart wrenching to drive through Featherston Park at the moment. Literally every yard and road has been torn apart, and with all the rain last Thursday, it’s mud everywhere. I would be so discouraged and yet, the people of Featherston were cheering this past week: a huge hurdle had just been overcome. Their water treatment plant had finally arrived and each unit was to be hooked up within two days. And, thankfully the cold weather had held off, making it all possible.

I must commend the people there for their courage and hope. In 2015, they were facing the loss of everything they owned, as the Municipality effectively issued an eviction order on them. But they have fought hard to save their homes and their community, and the installation of their new Clearford One system is a huge milestone on the way to a bright and prosperous future.

Everything they have endured over the years, and now, finally, their dream is that much closer. Maurice Dumoulin, President of the Community Association, was so encouraged as he explained the whole process to me, as I stood there in two feet of mud with the rain coming down, while watching the lowering of the process plant on to its resting place. It seemed so seamless, but, according to Kevin Loiselle, President and CEO of Clearford Water Systems, it takes a lot of work to make it seem so seamless.

Maurice and the other residents have such a sense of pride and vision as to what the Park can now become. Right now, it all looks a mess, but, come this summer, they have plans for the beautification of the entire area.

The people of Fetherston Park should give themselves a pat on the back. You have a lot to be proud of and great achievable goals ahead of you. Well done!


  1. Please I trying to find a contact information for the Park .. the reason is we are facing the same situation at River Valley Park. So i am trying to talk to someone that would be able to answer some questions i have .. James


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