Grenville Gremlins celebrate 50 Year

Dancing at the 50th, by Bernie Power

by Harold Tompkins, Grenville Gremlin

On Saturday April 13, the Kemptville-based Grenville Gremlins modern square dance club celebrated 50 years of dancing in Kemptville at the Municipal Centre. The club was  organized in September, 1971. Plans were made to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2021, however Covid put everything on hold. 

How else would square dancers celebrate, but by having a dance and inviting all our square dance friends? Invitations were extended to all the clubs in Eastern Ontario. In addition to our own members, 11 other clubs from as far away as Pembroke and Peterborough were represented. In total, 158 people registered, including a number of former club members. Our own club caller, Geoff Clarke, and caller Brian Crawford from Carleton Place kept everyone dancing from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.. Up to 14 squares (of 8 people) were on the dance floor at one time. The room was filled with smiling faces, laughter, and lots of energy.

Dave Western from the Ontario Square and Round Dance Federation, Lamar Mason from the Eastern Ontario Square and Round Dance Association, and North Grenville Mayor Nancy Peckford and Councillors, each brought messages of congratulations and Certificates of Achievement to the Club for our achievement of dancing for 50 years.

Club President, Debbie Armstrong, offered to make a quilt for the club to raffle off during the afternoon. On display, the lovely quilt created much interest. The winner was Joey Walker from Carleton Place. Share the Wealth brought four lucky people $50.00 each. Winners also took home 36 door prizes, donated by Gremlin members. 

A delicious lunch was laid out for everyone to enjoy when they weren’t dancing. Also, a slide show of pictures taken over the years ran continuously throughout the afternoon, bringing back many happy memories.

Many thanks to our callers and club members for planing and executing a fun and memorable day for all.  Our dance season is winding down for now, but, come September, we will be back on the dance floor on Monday nights, welcoming brand new dancers (couples and singles) to come and experience the fun our dancers have been having for over 50 years. Our first two nights, September 9 and 16, will be open to all and free to everyone interested in checking us out. For more information, please contact our president Debbie at, or Google Kemptville Square Dance. 



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