Winter is coming

Our community has been dealing with the realities of COVID-19 for eight months now. In March, none of us could have predicted how long...

Highlights from the UCDSB Board of Trustees Meeting

Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, April 24, to discuss several agenda items: District-wide Timetabling: Acting Superintendent Susan Rutters...

Baldwin’s Birds

by John Baldwin Our Garden Birds, Early On A Cold Sunlit December Day I awoke and arose, at the "crack of", - just after eight, And made...

Government’s Good Intentions Gone Bad

Everyone wants a safe, effective, and accessible supply of the products that keep us healthy. Doctors and patients need proven drugs. People seeking to...

The Times shortlisted for awards

The North Grenville Times has been shortlisted in two categories for the Ontario Community Newspapers Association Better Newspapers Competition for 2020. The Times...

Always wanted to take a family cruise?

by Scott Waldron and Diane Wilson The best family cruises can vary depending on your preferences, budget, and the age of your children. However, some...

Happy New Year to a wonderful community

How many times have we been able to say, over so many years, that North Grenville is a community of which we can all...

Is staying active enough?

by Richard Chartrand Many people believe that, if they are active, doing things like gardening, that they do not require formal exercise. In fact, when...


I’ve been thinking a lot about words recently. Maybe it’s because I’ve been spending the past couple of weeks in Ireland, surrounded by two...

Don’t let huts or hockey nets go down with the ice

It’s officially March, and that means it's time to haul in your fishing huts, hockey nets and other on-ice gear before the ice is...