When it comes to brain health, it’s not just about puzzles

(NC) Many of us have heard that doing puzzles or brain teasers like crosswords and sudoku are the key to keeping your brain healthy....

How to address cryptocurrency in your estate planning

by Daren Givoque, Financial Advisor, O'Farrell Financial Services As a Financial Advisor I help clients with estate planning, which includes identifying their assets and determining...

Baldwin’s Birds

Has Winter Gone Yet? April departed from us with a rather wet and windy, stinging blow, Ensuring that the first day of May arrived in a...

Partnership brings clean water to 1,000 children in Malawi

Ryan Hreljac was a 6-year-old boy determined to build a well in Uganda after learning in school about the challenges of kids his age...

Home thoughts

I blame Richard Nixon. It seems like we are daily bombarded by stories of political sleaze and corruption. People's trust in governments, in authority...

Auntie Anabel

“Anytime you got nothing to do - and lots of time to do it, come on up,” - Mae West Do you ever listen to...

Baldwin’s Birds

When are bird nesting boxes not? -When a nesting red squirrel takes over! Good Day dear readers, I hope you are all fit and well and...

Gaps in Canada’s agri-food workforce due to COVID-19

by Teresa Van Raay, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture A truth that is deemed to be universal, is the fact that the most valuable resource...

Enjoy the outdoors and be Tick Smart

Submitted by: Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit The ticks are out! When temperatures rise above 4 degrees Celsius, ticks will be active. Enjoy the...

Parents, students and teachers adapt to another round of online learning

As students settle into another round of online schooling, some parents are concerned about what long-term virtual learning might mean for their children's education. Local...