The NG Times Newspaper

The Fools on the Hill

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you can depend on our political class to present us with a whole new level of...

A good deed repaid

In this time of an international pandemic, it is worthwhile to consider good news stories, and this one covers almost 200 years of history....
The NG Times Newspaper

What are we teaching our children?

I have been thinking a lot about social media and how people use it. For myself, I use it to keep in touch with...

Wealthy Women

by Sarah Chisholm, Financial Advisor & Partner, O’Farrell Financial Services Everyone knows a wealthy woman. She is inspirational, in control of her finances, has a...
Letters to the editor

‘I’m Sorry’ (John Denver 1975)

After reading several articles regarding the apology that Councillor Wilson was required to publicly make, I had several thoughts, but my late wife's words...

More Birds Return

We are getting some glimpses of warmer weather, as the birds slowly return to keep us company for a short while. There have also...
The NG Times Newspaper

Shoeboxes save lives

by Carol Friesen Did you know that a simple shoebox gift can transform a child’s life? Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, is...

Weighty matters

I don’t know about you, but I get quite a lot of my news from Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely appreciate typical...
The NG Times Newspaper

Celebrating volunteers

Canada was built with the vision and hard work of countless volunteers. Communities were, and still are, sustained by its volunteers. “The True North...

Baldwin’s Birds

by John Baldwin The last few days before Christmas proved quite interesting, as the birds, who actually have to travel south to get here, arrived....