A major obstacle to Greening our Municipality

by Philip Fry During recent weeks, my plan to discuss wildflower gardening as a means of reducing the impact of  CO2 emissions on our “quilted”...

Hostas and other shady characters!

by David Dunn of Rideau Woodland Ramble  In the deep dark corners of your garden, you can find some pretty shady characters! Hostas are a...

North Grenville Environmental Action Advisory Committee sets its direction

John Palmer on behalf of the EACC There is an almost perfect alignment that thefirst meeting of the North Grenville Environmental Action Advisory Committee (EAAC)...

ANALYSIS: Fertilizer-emissions reduction won’t work, isn’t scientific and farmers don’t like it

by John Schwartzentruber Courtesy of Farmers Forum “I would like to be clear, there is no mandatory reduction in fertilizer use on Canadian farms. Instead, we...

Natural Succession, part 2

by Philip Fry Natural succession does not proceed in a straight timeline from a disturbance to a stable climax habitat community, nor does it do...

Wild Ginger, Bloodroot and Volunteers

by Philip Fry As I wandered along our lane watching early wildflowers begin to show, it occurred to me that there are similarities between these...

Enhancing the eco-values of our patchwork landscape

by Philip Fry We should, I think, be content with the patchwork landscape we have inherited and how it is being currently governed at both...

Cathartic Buckthorn!

by Fred Schueler and Aleta Karstad Fragile Inheritance Natural History As the leaves of native trees and shrubs fall, the last broad-leaved green along roads and in...

The Weather with Connor

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This week I’d like to talk about one of the...

A New Year’s Agenda for Environmental Adaptation

by Philip Fry I was spurred to begin this column by the October 2021 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a survey...