from the Rideau Bridge to Canada Executive

After months of delays due to Covid-19, the second Syrian family sponsored by Rideau Bridge to Canada is arriving on October 5! They are a family of four, with husband, wife, and two children aged 4 and 1. They will be in strict quarantine for 14 days, with special precautions at the airport and transport to Merrickville.

Our primary concern is to find them a house or apartment to rent. It would be best to find somewhere in Merrickville, but we are also looking in Kemptville and Smiths Falls. If you can help, please let us know (Audrey Bridge at 613 266 4825, or Fred McFarland at 613 269 4415).

Odae Alaboud is a brother of Ataa from our first family that arrived in Merrickville in 2017. This is a family reunification, and a major event in the lives of both families. The 4-year old will start JK at Merrickville Public School, assuming we can find local accommodation.

Odae is a mathematician by training (a PhD no less!) and has experience in research and teaching. He will be looking for work in the Ottawa area. If you have any suggestions that would help him find a job, please call either Graeme Bonham-Carter (613 269 7980), or Diana McKay (613 222 2227).

In an e-mail from Odae he says: “Finally our dream will become true, you can’t imagine how much it is difficult to live without feeling safe, for the first time we feel that our children will have the chance to live a different life, life without fear, life with a hope that the future will be better. We can’t find words grand enough to say thank you.

Of course, we are still looking for financial support. You can donate online through our web page at (page needs updating, but donation section is OK). You will receive a charitable donation receipt from Ottawa Community Foundation.


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