Words From a “Gremlin”


by Mary Power

Q.: What starts as a square, moves as a circle, and gives new meaning to the term “Spin the Top”? 

A.: Modern Square Dancing, an activity that uses all genres of music – popular, easy listening, Calypso, and even country – anything that has a steady beat!

North Grenville has its very own Modern Square Dance Club, the Grenville Gremlins, so named when they started dancing at the North Grenville High School in 1969. Our Club was established in 1971, and has had members dancing continuously since then – only the Covid Pandemic forced a two year hiatus before we regrouped. Our location has changed a few times, with many years spent at the now demolished Leslie Hall beside St. James Anglican Church on Clothier Street. Now we are based in the spacious North Grenville Municipal Centre, where we will be celebrating our slightly delayed 50th Anniversary on April 13, from 2:00 – 4:30, welcoming former club members and many other current dancers from throughout Eastern Ontario.

Surprisingly, many residents of the area are still unaware of our existence, even with our annual season opener recruitment drives each September. We dance most Monday nights through the end of April. Many onlookers are convinced it’s not their “cup of tea” – until they try it! It’s a great social activity for teens to seniors, leading to new friendships as well as stimulating that brain/body connection that is so good for us all. Studies verify that dancing has many benefits, both physically and mentally, and many dancers continue well into their “golden years”, enjoying the challenges and just plain having fun. Groups of eight mix and mingle in “squares” on the dance floor, with short breaks for socializing, coffee, and occasional sweet treats.

Beginning in 1982, the Grenville Gremlins sponsored a dance dubbed “The Applefest”. This was held annually at Kemptville College and attracted several hundred dancers who were treated to excellent dancing and fellowship, all topped off with apple pie and ice cream at the end of the evening. Unfortunately, changes at the College brought an end to the Applefest dance in 1997. Since 2000, we have sponsored a New Year’s Eve dance, which draws dancers from many other clubs.

As well as North Grenville, our members hail from Smith’s Falls, Manotick, Chesterville, Williamsburg, and points in between. We charge modest fees for membership and, after our expenses are covered, have made charitable donations to such organizations as the Beth Donovan Hospice and the Kemptville District Hospital.

Modern Square Dance is quite a departure from old time reels that were enjoyed to the sounds of fiddles at barn dances and country fairs – today’s dancing is carefully choreographed to tunes old and new – if the music has a beat and you can shuffle/walk/march along to it, it’s a Square Dance tune. Although it may look and sound complicated to newcomers, the “Caller” teaches very basic moves (Allemande Left, Do-si-do, Promenade, etc.) at the beginning of the season, and gradually adds different maneuvers throughout the year. In no time you learn to do a Grand Square, Box the Gnat, Weave the Ring, and yes, Spin the Top!

You can find clubs in many communities in and around the Ottawa area, under the EOSARDA umbrella (Eastern Ontario Square and Round Dance Association). Most clubs meet just once a week, and, periodically, conventions are held that attract dancers from across Canada, the U.S. and indeed the world. (Fun fact: square dancing “calls” are always in English, whether you’re in North America, Japan, Denmark, or elsewhere, making it easy to visit a club wherever you happen to be travelling!). 

For more information email us at : kemptvillesquaredance@gmail.com. Or check out our website: https://sites.google.com/site/grenvillegremlins09/home, where you will find everything you need to know about our club, and the EOSARDA site (www.eodance.ca) which has details and links to other clubs in the area. We welcome any interested dancers each September and would love to see you on the dance floor!


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