Our spring birds start their return

Baldwin's Birds


Spring seems to have sprung, the grass may not quite be riz, but I no longer have to wonder where the bird is – some of them are back! Yes, some of our regular winter birds seem to be making themselves a bit scarcer, only to be replaced by some of our returning migratory ones. I heard a Robin the other day and got to see one in the backyard a few moments ago. He/she is not alone in this respect, as a couple of Red-winged Blackbirds are busy feeding in and around my front-yard feeders. One of them was already displaying its lovely red epaulettes, much to this particular photographer’s delight, so much shutter clicking was able to take place! A shy Cardinal even poked his face around a feeder corner to have a look!

Wow! I just took a quick glance out of my front window to now see seven Red-winged Blackbirds, along with a quick flitting  flock of  Juncos, four or five Mourning Doves, a pair of House Finches, three Bluejays, “Little Red” (squirrel), and “Chippie” (Chipmunk), who was bounding across what, someday soon, might be grass! Lots of action, so no complaints from this particular observer. I hope you too are getting to see all the treats on offer.

Stay safe and well.

John Baldwin


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