Letter to the Editor – Thank You


Dear Editor,

Close to 11 pm on Saturday, November 4th, we left the local hospital after an eight hour wait for care.  We were famished and assumed that there would be limited options for food at a drive-thru which is where we had eaten after first registering at the hospital.  As we approached the corner at Clothier Street, an “OPEN” sign beckoned to the right.  

I went in to ask if the kitchen was still open and was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was, so we parked our weary bodies in front of the TV at O’Heaphy’s Pub. A new pot of coffee was brewed – an uncommon (certainly non-profit) kindness in a pub at that hour. We enjoyed our freshly prepared meals which had ample steamed vegetables and coleslaw so good that I almost asked for a second helping.

Much to our surprise, when it came time to leave, our server said that our bill had been “taken care of”.  There were few other patrons in the establishment during our time there, but certainly no one familiar to us.  We were dumbfounded and can only think that our explanatory comment, that we had just come from the hospital, must have prompted the young woman to arrange for this generous gesture. We would like the folks at O’Heaphy’s Pub to know that we have made a donation to the local Food Bank in honour of this kindness and will continue to share our experience and appreciation with others.

It is also important for us to say that we are not complaining about the wait at KGH. It was likely half the time that would have been spent in an emergency room in Ottawa. The nurses, and reception staff remained cheerful and helpful. Dr. Prud’homme, who no doubt had been working many hours longer than we had been waiting, was energetic, kind, and thorough in rendering top-notch care for which we are grateful.   

For us, the warmth of Christmas arrived early during our visit to Kemptville. Many thanks to all.  


Very Grateful Guests


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