Council survey and discussion forum on the future of waste management in North Grenville

Municipality Matters


The Municipal Council would like to have input from residents on what the future of waste management in North Grenville should look like. With that in mind, they have developed a survey to solicit feedback and the next Discussion Forum, to be held on March 25 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Urbandale Arts Theatre in the Municipal Centre, will be focused on the future of waste management in North Grenville.

“What makes the timing of this Discussion Forum and the survey so critical is that the Municipality’s waste management services contracts expire later this year. Further, the Province of Ontario is foreseeing significant changes to the residential waste management approach,” said Mayor Nancy Peckford.

The Ontario Government is in the process of implementing the Waste Free Ontario Act. The Act aims to achieve a target of 30% diversion by 2020 and 50% by 2030.

In 2017, North Grenville diverted 26% of its waste from landfill. The Act makes producers responsible for their products and how the materials are managed at their end of life. Another aspect of the Act is a plan to ban organic material from being directed to landfills. This means the way that waste is collected will fundamentally change in the coming years.

With legislative changes coming and the reality that well over 50 percent of organic waste in North Grenville goes to landfill, the Municipality recognizes that implementing an organic waste program may come with significant benefits. Other programs that are being looked at include leaf and yard waste pick-up, bulky item pick-up, and bi-weekly garbage pick-up.

Residents and business leaders are invited to complete a brief survey to share their perspectives on a number of options related to recycling, garbage, organic and yard waste pick-up, as well as the frequency of service. The survey will be available at until 9:00 a.m. on April 1, 2019. Paper copies will be available at the Municipal Centre (2nd floor reception desk) and the North Grenville Public Library.

Council encourages residents and businesses to have their say and help shape the future of waste and diversion in North Grenville by attending the Discussion Forum on March 25 and completing the online survey.


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