ABC Internet Matters empowers adult learners online

ABC Life Literacy Canada is pleased to announce that its ABC Internet Matters program, supported by the Canadian Bankers Association, is expanding to offer...

UCDSB Trustees Meeting

Student Transportation Update: General Manager and Chief Administrative Officer of Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO), Janet Murray, presented a report to Trustees about STEO’s...

OFA highlights collaborative projects and initiatives

by Louis Roesch, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture Ontario’s agriculture industry faces various challenges as our farmers work to create a stronger, more resilient sector that will...

Spring is in the Air

The warm sunny patches in our weather pattern seem to be working their Spring magic and the birds are starting to respond, as can...

The circle game

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing from a lot of people who are really quite tired of the debates about the...

Province expanding access to COVID-19 Antivirals

The Ontario government is expanding eligibility for COVID-19 antiviral treatments and PCR testing to more high-risk individuals.  “I am pleased that we will be able...
The NG Times Newspaper

Indigenous status in 1950

On 13 May and 16 May 1946, respectively, the House of Commons and the Senate passed parallel resolutions to establish the Special Joint Committee...

Municipality of North Grenville remembers Jim Bertram

It is with profound sadness that Council recognizes the passing of Jim Bertram, former Councillor with the Municipality of North Grenville. Mr. Bertram passed...

Considerations affecting housing discussed by Council

At the regularly scheduled North Grenville Council meeting on April 13, a lengthy discussion about housing took place, bringing to light some of the...

North Grenville’s Council declares PITCH-IN Week

Council has declared Pitch-In Week, April 17 – 24, 2022 for the Municipality of North Grenville. “It’s a big year for Kemptville, given a number...