The NG Times Newspaper

Why a universal basic income won’t work

The federal government is toying with the idea once again of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program that would potentially see base income payments...
The NG Times Newspaper

Wrong is wrong is wrong

Let’s get this straight: if you believe the Bible and are genuinely a believing Christian, then you cannot support, vote for, or in any...
The NG Times Newspaper

New study on medicine for prostate cancer patients

by Lisa Callahan, Canadian Cancer Trials Group A new clinical trial, opening across Canada, is considered a major advancement in precision medicine for prostate cancer...

Christine’s story

by Nanda Wubs-Huizenga Christine: To most, she was eccentric, reclusive, and different – to me she was my friend. In the summer of 2000, our family...
The NG Times Newspaper

New labelling regulations could hurt farmers

by Michael Barrett Front of package nutrition labeling regulations being introduced by the Liberal government and the new Canada Food Guide will hurt our farmers....

Scouts Canada’s Ultimate Camping Hacks for winter camping

from News Media Canada Winter and camping, an oxymoron? Or the ultimate outdoor adventure? The experts at Scouts Canada agree with the latter! Picture this,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Talking about a revolution: what happened?

The revolution which changed the lives of so many people from so many different backgrounds in the early days of Christianity is clearly seen...

Climate change: IPCC report

by Steve Gabell, Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands & Rideau Lakes Green Party of Ontario On April 4, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released their working group...
The NG Times Newspaper

Bright comet and meteor shower

by “The Backyard Astronomer”, Gary Boyle For thousands of years the night sky has been a place of entertainment and guidance. It was also the foundation of myths and superstitions. Bright...

Terms we may want to reconsider using

by Zara Zrudlo In recent times, there has been a lot of discussion about terms that are no longer culturally appropriate, or politically correct, or...