Fraud is on the rise in Canada

Last week, a social media user felt the need to post in a local property rental group warning others never to pay money up...

A mystery bird appears

We are now well into the New Year and all the questions that it has already posed, in respect to some of our avian...

Those green firefighter lights aren’t a decoration

It’s an all-too-familiar sight – a speeding ambulance or firetruck is approaching, and amidst a long lineup of pulled-over cars is one that keeps...

Business Decisions with Return on Investment

by Sarah Chisholm Financial Advisor, O’Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning | Assante Capital Management Ltd. As a business owner, you are constantly faced with challenging decisions....

Spotting A Comet

by Gary Boyle - The Backyard Astronomer What better way to open the new year than by spotting a hopefully bright comet? It is referred to...

Who’s that looking in my window?

How soon we have progressed into the New Year, with this being our second week and the weather not knowing what it wants to...

No such thing as unbiased media

Last week, a copy of a free independent newspaper called “Druthers” found its way into the office building where the Times is headquartered. I...

New Year Birds

A very Happy New Year to you from all your feathered friends and myself who, like you, have stayed here to endure and, maybe...

An Early December Surprise!

December didn't fail to surprise me, as I took advantage of an early, very cool but sunny morning in the garden, and offered up...

A gift

Much is made by some critics of the fact that Jesus was almost certainly not born on December 25, implying that the story was...