The NG Times Newspaper

Trampling 2SLGBTQIA+ Rights with a Bouncy Castle

by Sarah Godwin I read David Shanahan’s opinion piece “The Need for Grace” with great frustration and dismay. I am the individual who is quoted...
The NG Times Newspaper

Just as I am

As the Spirit “disillusions” us, it can be a painful and difficult process. For those who allow the Spirit to reveal the truth to...
The NG Times Newspaper

Protecting access to water through the Blue Communities and Water Protection program

Blue Communities are municipalities, Indigenous communities, and organizations that have adopted policies that recognize human and ecosystem rights to water and sanitation. These communities, through...

Travel talk

7 of the hottest new Caribbean resorts by Scott Waldron and Diane Wilson With the crisp fall chill in the air, we begin to long for...

Back To Basics

by Deron Johnson Despite considerable efforts by the current and previous Boards of Management, many people still don’t clearly understand what exactly a Business Improvement...

The Weather with Connor

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to The Weather with Connor. This week’s column will be a little bit different, I’m going to talk...

In a Flicker of an Eyelid!

What a beautiful day to get up to and enjoy, as we sit on the deck for a breakfast of what are probably the...
The NG Times Newspaper

Treaties or evictions

When the French Empire was ejected from North America by the British variety, the indigenous people of what became Canada faced a brand new...

The reality of the outdoor cat

by Janice Atkey Videto How would you have like it if all your neighbours had their dogs defecate on your lawn where your small kids...
The NG Times Newspaper

The Revolution starts here

We are entering what is traditionally known as the Christmas Season and many Christians will be marking the start of Advent on Sunday. Advent...