Municipality finds volunteers to fill vacancies on Committee of Adjustment


Council has appointed two new members to the Municipality’s Committee of Adjustment.

The Committee is an independent decision-making group that is appointed by Council and established under the Planning Act of Ontario to make decisions regarding variances from any of the Municipality’s zoning by-laws. According to the Planning Act, there must be at least three people sitting on the Committee of Adjustment and after loosing two members earlier this year, Council was having trouble finding volunteers to fill the vacancies.

At a previous meeting, Council decided to make Councillor Timothy Molloy and Mayor Doug Struthers sitting members of the Committee to make sure that they could still address any Committee of Adjustment business while they continue to look for members of the public to sit on the Committee.

Since that decision was made, Council has received several applications from residents volunteering to sit on the Committee. At the Special Council meeting of December 9, Council officially appointed Robin Turcotte and Jack Springer to the Committee of Adjustment. Mayor Struthers said that even with their decision to include himself and Councillor Molloy on the Committee in the interim, the end goal was always to have the Committee of Adjustment populated by the public. “It’s great to see that that has come to fruition,” he says.

Robin, Jack and current member, Lorne Walker, will officially make up the Municipality’s Committee of Adjustment effective January 11, 2021.


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