Local Vaccine Status


by the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit

The Health Unit’s COVID-19 Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan helps facilitate the efficient and effective delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark and aligns with the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan.

We are not taking appointments for COVID-19 vaccine immunizations – please see below for update.

What was done last week?

Continued to roll out stage 1 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan.

Due to significant shortage of the Pfizer vaccine supply, the Ministry of Health directed Health Units to only provide vaccine to the residents of Long-Term Care Homes and High Risk Retirement Homes* at this time. Staff and Designated Essential Caregivers have been put on hold until the vaccine supply stabilizes. Timelines are unknown at this time.

Completed three more on-site clinics at local Long-Term Care Homes (2 in Leeds & Grenville and 1 in Lanark). These clinics were successfully done in partnership with many local health care providers and the staff of the home.

From January 18 to January 24: 466 individuals received the vaccine this week.

A total of 937 individuals have received a vaccine (either through the Kingston Health Sciences Centre clinic or one of our mobile clinics from January 13 till now)

What is the plan for this week?

Eight mobile clinics are planned this week in Long-Term Care Homes/High Risk Retirement Homes in our area.

Continue to work with local hospitals, EMS, medical first responders and assessment centre staff to prepare them for Stage 2 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan.

What are we working on for next week

Waiting to see if we will receive more vaccine. If yes, continue to implement mobile clinics on-site at our local Long-Term Care Homes and High Risk Retirement homes.

Continue to work with local hospitals, ems, medical first responders and assessment centre staff to prepare them for Stage 2 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan.

What can I do now?

Get informed visit COVID-19 Protection and Vaccine

Stay healthy

Follow COVID-19 precautions – wear a mask, keep the 2m/6ft distance from others, follow stay at home order

Stay home if sick and contact the Assessment Centres for testing

Ensure your other immunizations are up to date

Discuss any concerns with your health care provider, here is the link to consent form COVID-19 Vaccine Screening and Consent Form (gov.on.ca)

Be patient. It will take time for COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed to everyone in the community. Each group will be specifically identified and notified in advance to plan for vaccination – information will be posted on our website, social media, local media, and through healthcare and community partners – you won’t be missed!

*High Risk Retirement Homes are defined as those that are co-located with a long term care home and/or have a formal memory unit within the facility.

For more detailed information and FAQs about the vaccine visit the COVID-19 Protection and Vaccine section of our website (https://healthunit.org/).


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