

by Peter Johnson

I would like to take a break from being in Grinch Mode and switch over to something a bit more appreciative.

It has frequently been stated how lucky we are to live in this community.  It is said so often, it might run the risk of sometimes sounding trite; but for me, recently, it has really hit home.

There is an overabundance of people in our lives who give so much of themselves, not just at this time of year: the service clubs exist for this purpose, and various church groups are the same.  People who serve as volunteer advisors on municipal committees (now there is dedication–it might be true, as the Romans felt, that the greatest hindrance to the development of civilization is the committee). There are those who give of their time working directly towards the betterment of our community, like the Business Improvement Committee (led tirelessly by Deron Johnston) and The Kemptville District Community Association—headed up by the ever-industrious Wendy Embleton–these people, and those they work with, never get enough credit.

On Saturday I attended the ‘Santa’s Breakfast’ at Maplewood School, put on by the Oxford Mills Community Association.  I know many of these people well…I have worked with them…they are hard-working, dedicated members of their community.  Whether it’s organizing events for Hallowe’en, or Christmas, or just beautifying the village in the Spring, they are constantly looking for ways to do more for others.

And so, I want to take the time to let all of these people–not just in Oxford Mills, but throughout North Grenville, know how much I admire them; they improve the lives of the people in their communities. They don’t do it for the praise…but they surely deserve it.  Thank you very much.


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