Children’s Classics on Friend’s Wish Tree


by Joan Simpson, Chair of Friends of the Library

Félictations et merci to the members of our community who enthusiastically supported the Friends of North Grenville Public Library’s initiative to expand the French language collection. La campagne a connu un succès énorme, nous permettant d’obtenir tous les livres sur la “liste de souhaits”. And more titles will be added thanks to the generous donations of Sylvie and Steve Jonsson, owners of Jonsson’s Your Independent Grocer and François and Lorna Hoffman, owners of the Canadian Tire Store. Votre soutien continu envers la bibliothèque publique de North Grenville est profondément apprécié et les Amis en sont encouragés dans leurs efforts.

The next objective of the Friends’ collection enhancement drive is to ensure that the children in North Grenville have access to the books that children everywhere love. New leaves have been placed on our wishing tree in the library, identifying the titles for purchase. Our children’s collection is very well appreciated. Some of the old and new Children’s Classics need to be replaced. Some of the Classics are missing. Anyone visiting the library is encouraged to pluck a leaf from the tree and adopt the title by paying for it at the desk. General donations will also be welcomed. We hope that all titles will be adopted before the end November.


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