Affordable Housing Task Force Terms of Reference


Introduction: The establishment of the Mayor’s Task Force on Affordable Housing has been prioritized by the current Mayor and Municipal Councillors as a means of identifying priority short term and longer term objectives and implementation strategies aimed at advancing affordable housing availability and options for the residents of North Grenville.

Mandate: The Task Force will examine the current state of affordable housing in the Municipality of North Grenville and make recommendations for strategies and opportunities to expand access for residents. The recommendations will include actions that may be taken by the Municipality to increase access to non-profit and subsidized housing, affordable rental housing and affordable home ownership for low and moderate income households. Recommendations will take into account the needs of residents at different stages of life and the range of housing options designed to lift individuals and families out of unaffordable or substandard housing and minimize risks for chronic homelessness.

Scope of Work: Research and recommend a definition of affordable housing
Identify current and projected needs for affordable housing within the Municipality
Identify existing affordable housing units/developments within the Municipality
Understand the Municipal government’s current approaches to increasing access to affordable housing, including the review of applicable North Grenville Official Plan policies and Zoning By-Law provisions

Identify enablers and inhibitors in current Municipal government by-laws, policies and procedures (i.e. Development Charges By-Law) related to the goal of increasing access to affordable housing

Determine strategies to improve Municipal access to programs and/or funding for the development of affordable housing available through the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville

Research effective models of affordable housing and best practice strategies found in other municipalities, including secondary dwelling housing, coach houses, redevelopment, and mixed housing in new developments

Identify potential partners and partnership strategies with the private, non-profit and government sectors to assist in the development of affordable housing

Identify vacant development lands within the Municipality with the potential to be used for the development of affordable housing

Identify strategies to promote the conversion of non-residential and residential buildings for use as affordable housing

Review the Federal Government’s National Housing Strategy and identify opportunities to seek funding through the National Housing Co-Investment Fund

Review the Provincial Government’s Long Term Affordable Housing Strategy and identify partnership and/or funding opportunities

The Mayor or designate
One Municipal Council member or designate
A maximum of 10 community members with a range of knowledge, skills and experience relevant to the work of the task force
The Task Force will invite additional content experts to attend and present at specific meetings in order to meet its mandate.
The Task Force will receive technical and administrative support from Municipal staff.

Responsibilities of Members:
Collaborate on agenda items and priority areas of work for the Task Force
Regularly attend and actively participate in meetings
Prepare for meetings and review and/or contribute to reports, as indicated

Meetings: The Task Force will meet a minimum of twelve times over the course of its mandate, averaging one meeting per month. Additional meetings may be held at the call of the Chair and as indicated to ensure the work of the Task Force is completed within the established timelines.

A majority of the members of the Task Force in attendance in person at the meeting will represent a quorum. Task Force meeting minutes will be placed on the Committee of the Whole agenda.

Timelines: An interim report will be completed by September 30, 2019. The Task Force will complete its current mandate and author its final report by January 31, 2020 with a presentation to the Committee of the Whole to follow.


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